Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Please View My Video^.^

Please View This Video. If You Feel Boring Just Let The Video Play And You Just Click The Mute Button. Let The Video Play More Than 1 Minutes Can Already. Help To Promote Yea^.^ Thanks A Lot. http://youtu.be/jD39b6-CVtM

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

22 Feb 2011

Hey all of you!
I'm back here.
I'm sorry that I didn't update my blog such a long time.
I'm still not in the mood to write at here.
I got no idea also. ^.^
Yet, my Lovely Bi want I update here.
So lets talk about Valentine Day.
I had present my Baby a Roxy Purse.
Hope that she will like it.
Besides that, she had present me a Golf Shirt.
The brand of the Golf Shirt is Mizuno.
It made in Japan.
I so like it.
Some of my friend said that the shirt is nice.
I quite happy when i heard about it.
Baby, thanks yea. XD
If you don't mind, just present me more. =P
I'll be stop here.
Stay Tuned!!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011


嗨, 又是我的出现.
在完全没有任何感觉灵感下, 还真不懂要写些什么.
特别的事情是有在发生, 可是无法说出. 是个天大秘密. x)
天, 我到底是要写些什么啊. :(
好吧. 就来问答Alex问的问题.
1. 去Justin Bieber的演唱会.
2. 钱包.
3. 换手机吧. *质疑着.
4. 1个月的假期, 让我再度的去玩, 来个短旅.

现在只想到这样而已. 等我想到再告诉你吧.
不必急着要帮我实现呀. XD 让我先说谢谢.
好了, 停笔了. 再见.
向所有人说声, 假期快乐;新年快乐.
同时也是, 情人节快乐.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

♥ Michael Jackson Perfume For Fans ♥

Thunder News!!!
Michael Jackson father Joe has tied up with a French Perfume company.
They want to launch a new Michael Jackson perfume collection.
The perfume is dedicated to The King Of Pop.
The perfume collection of Michael Jackson will cater to both genders.
Female perfume will be called as,' Jackson's Legend'
Male perfume will be called as, ' Jackson's Tribute'
The scents are inspired by plants grown at Neverland Ranch.
The rest of the funds will be given to Michael Jackson's charities.
The perfume will be launch on March 7.
I wish that I can get both of the perfumes very soon.
I think every MJ fans also keen to get it too.
Hope that my dream will come true.
I will try my best to pray hard!!!
God Bless Me.

Monday, January 17, 2011

♥ To My Girl ♥

♥ Baby I try my best to update my blog right! ♥
This few days got something happen.
The first matter that is I went to Penang with my Baby.
The second matter that is I went to her house to take my lunch.
On that day I waited quite long.
I think I waited 3hours something like that.
My Baby also waited until wanna gone mad already.
But luckily her lovely mum damn clever.
She let us eat first. ( ♥Thanks Aunty♥ )
Yesterday was her mum birthday.
Both of us present her perfume. ( Hope that she like it! )
Happy birthday Aunty.
This is my short post.
Stay Tuned!!!

Hihi. :)

嗨, 我是Wen.
不好意思, 我善于用华语表达我想说的一切.
如果你介意或看不懂, 右上角有个叉. 你可以按它把它给关掉, 谢谢.
这次是抱着作弄Bi的心情上来, 哈哈.
想想, 这应该是他的部落格由史以来第一篇的华文篇.
那很好, 我是第一个.
同时, 我要提醒你啊 ;
Baby Alex Teoh Chia Liang ! 你何时才要再度写你的部落格.
我看都长蜘蛛网了啦. 你不要说没有东西写. 这几天'听说'好像发生了很多事.
趁记忆还算清晰时, 跟我快快给它写出来. 不然我翻脸啊. XD
还有, 我想说有空时就找些照片放在你的部落格. 不然会感觉很空荡.
我目前想说的只有这样多而已. 等我想到时, 会在通知你的.
拜拜. ♥♥

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Sunday Night!!!

Sorry I been such a slacker.
So sorry for the lack of updates.
Last Sunday I've been went to Penang with my family.
I asked My Lovely Bi go with me, but she don't want.
But its okay because she should have her own time too.
We took our dinner at Kim Garry.
After dinner I starting hunt my new year shirts and pants. XD
Lastly I get my own new year shirts and pants.
One of my pants got a little bit same as MJ pants!!!
I love it very much, especially the colour.
My Lovely Bi said that all the shirts and pants very nice.
Quite happy after i heard it.
Thanks Baby!!! ♥ ♥ ♥
Hope that all the shirts and pants won't same with other.
27 days more is Chinese New Year already.
Quite excited because I like new year.
I also can spend my time with my Lovely Bi too.
I'll be stop here.
With the love.
Stay Tuned!!!